Cogi is a story premise I came up with. This is the mentor in the story, she does not have a name yet, if you have any suggetions let me know. Cogi is the name of the villain in the story, it is short for cogitatio, which means reflection in Latin. The story begins with the main character, a middle aged man named Tad (whose name may change later) who is living a depressing life working his day job. He used to be a creative artist, but something has happened to him to change his outlook on life for the worse. He comes home one day, which is the home he grew up in, and sees a creature rustling in the forest behind his house. He runs up to his storage and sifts through boxes of old drawings to realize what he saw was a creature he had drawn years ago. He pursues the creature through the woods and follows it to a large old tree that used to be a place where he would play and use his imagination. A portal opens and he falls into it because he can’t stop his momentum while running after the creature. He eventually meets this creature pictured here which may or may not be the creature he chased originally. She becomes Tad’s mentor in this new world which he discovers is made up of all the creatures he has ever drawn in his entire life. The creatures of this world have brought him here because there is an evil that is trying to destroy the world and Tad is the only one who can stop it. Tad is reluctant at first but then he really falls in love with these creatures and wants to help. He fights the bad guys henchmen, Dubium, Timor, and Otium and fends them off by realizing he can draw and in real time the creatures he draws come into existence to join the fight. The henchmen’s defeat only enrages Cogi. Eventually Tad has to face off against Cogi. He does defeat Cogi in the end and there is a big reveal, you maybe able to guess it from clues in this description, but I think I will reveal that when the story is complete. We’ll see.

